Hillside Swimming Club Photos
Do you have any vintage photos of Hillside to share? Or maybe some nice pictures of the property or recent events? We would love to see them! Don’t forget to tag us in your photos on social media or email them to us directly at hillsideswimsocialmedia@gmail.com
Hillside 2022 Clothing Drive
Our annual clothing drive is back. Please read flyer for items to donate and where to drop them off. Thank you.
Hillside Derby Day 2022
To get the Hillside summer season off & running, we are super excited to bring back a member favorite, DERBY DAY! This is a great family fun day that’s interactive for both kids & adults! A day of wooden horse races with southern BBQ fixins, mint juleps & derby costume prizes culminates with a viewing […]
Hillside Clubhouse Rentals Available
Open Rental DatesThe clubhouse & Hillside grounds are the perfect place to have your party & we have some open event times left. Availability remains on: Fri 4/22, Fri 4/29, Sat 4/30, Fri 5/6, Fri 5/13, Sat 5/14, Sat 5/28, Sun 6/5, Sat 6/11, Sun 6/12, Sat 6/18. Book your event NOW at hillsideclubhouseinfo@gmail.com