
2023 Member Work Parties

Every returning bondholder is required to participate in one work party per season, pay the pre-season buyout, or pay a work party fee.

If you want to buyout your work party requirement, and you include the payment with your dues, the fee is only $100.00. Just add it to your due’s payment, and your 2023 work party obligation is met. (One check is fine, no need to submit separate checks). We added a payment button on the website to cover this too.

The 4 work parties for this season will be held on:

Saturday, March 25th Saturday, April 22nd Saturday, April 29th and Saturday, May 6th.

These will be the only work parties this year; there are NO fall work parties. Please plan to work one of these dates, from 8:00 a.m. to noon (guaranteed end by noon, since we have house parties those afternoons).

If you don’t attend one of the four work parties, and didn’t buyout by opening weekend, the normal work party fee of $175 will apply, and will be due July 1, 2023, before late fees are applied.